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You’ve seen the movies where a housewife calls a plumber and he shows up in dirty jeans, no belt, and a greasy shirt. Plumbers haven’t been painted in the best light and the stereotypes couldn’t be further away from the truth. Your top Atlanta plumbers are here to dispel the myths and let you in on what professional plumbers are really like.

“Plumbers Are Sloppy”

Let’s begin with the most popular misconception. Plumbers are thought to be messy individuals who play with gunk and pipes all day. At Allgood, we wear booties (for leaky situations), clean clothes (you won’t be able to tell what we had for lunch) and we tidy up after ourselves, leaving your home the way we found it…minus the plumbing issue.

“Plumbers Charge Way Too Much”

Here’s where you can begin to separate the professionals from the amateurs; or better yet, the trustworthy from the dishonest. A dishonest plumber will provide you with a quote over the phone before examining your issue leaving plenty of room for an upcharge. We pride ourselves in offering transparent affordable rates. With us, you’ll never have to worry about losing your arm or your leg.

“Plumbers Aren’t Educated”

A professional plumber’s mastery spans far beyond the use of a screwdriver. They need to master physical science, have mathematical skills, and participate in ongoing licensing and certifications. They also need to be able to read and understand detailed, technical drawing plans. Most plumbers are also knowledge about electrical wiring. In order to diagnose and offset any unforeseen issues, a professional plumbing contractor will have a broad range of tools and skillsets.

We’ve been in business for the past decade with a proven track record. For an “Allgood” Experience, give us a call now and save $50 off your waterline repair or replacement.