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Summer is an exciting time. However, with any change in season, there are plumbing issues that you should be aware. Here at AllGood Plumbing, we want to help keep you informed on some of the issues that can occur with your plumbing, and give you some tips on how to avoid some of the plumbing issues that happen during the summer months.

  • Turn your water heater down when you go on vacation.
    You can save money on your electrical bill by turning down your water heater so that you are not expending unnecessary energy.
  • Be Aware of Sewer Line Backup.
    Sewer line backup is especially probable during the summer months due to summer rainstorms. If you are concerned about your sewer line than have a plumber inspect your pipes to determine your susceptibility.
  • Washing Machine.
    Summer usually sees an increase in washing machine usage. Make sure to keep your machine at least 4 inches away from the wall in order to prevent any hose kinks. Also be aware that washing machine hoses should be changed every 3 years.
  • Garbage Disposal.
    Summer means more cookouts but be aware of what you are putting down your garbage disposals! Never put hot oils, banana peels, or cornhusks down your garbage disposals.
  • Consider Replacing an Old Shower Head.
    Replacing an old shower head can greatly reduce your summers’ water bill. Newer showerheads can save up to 7.5 gallons a minute without reducing water pressure. If you have a clogged showerhead that doesn’t need replacing, you can simply remove the head and clean out the deposits by soaking it in vinegar overnight and then scrubbing it clean with a toothbrush.

Your friends at AllGood are committed to being your go-to Atlanta plumbers so if you have any questions on how to improve your homes’ plumbing this summer please do not hesitate to contact us. Enjoy your summer!